BTS Jin's self-composed track, "Super Tuna," is illuminating the global music scene with its popularity. In December 2021, to commemorate his birthday, Jin unveiled "Super Tuna" as a surprise for fans. With its addictive and lively melody, cheerful ambiance, and simple dance moves, the song has created a worldwide craze enjoyed by people of all ages and professions.

The overwhelming popularity of Jin's "Super Tuna" continues to surge as many have been seen covering the song during random play dances on streets.

On August 2nd, the YouTube channel 'K-FUSION ENTERTAINMENT' released a video titled "K-POP RANDOM PLAY DANCE WITH FUNNY CHOREOS! FRANKFURT, GERMANY," where countless participants danced joyfully to "Super Tuna," further showcasing its massive appeal.

"Super Tuna" is currently sailing smoothly on Spotify, the world's largest music platform. The song recently surpassed 52 million streams and, as of August 16th, has recorded a staggering 52.61 million plays, with numbers rapidly increasing.

Originating from Jin's fishing hobby, "Super Tuna" was spontaneously composed during an actual fishing session. The special performance video, uploaded on BTS's YouTube channel 'BANGTANTV', garnered 10 million views within just a day of its release. Furthermore, it secured the top spot on the 'Global Popular Music Video' chart for 16 consecutive days, proving Jin's impressive global popularity. As of the afternoon of August 16th, the video had amassed over 87.9 million views, continuously attracting love and attention from fans.

On the iTunes front, "Super Tuna" shines even brighter, clinching the No.1 spot in 48 countries, showcasing its global music power.

Recently, the song achieved No.1 in South Africa's iTunes chart. Upon release, it conquered the charts starting from Lithuania, then moving on to countries like Finland, Malaysia, and Vietnam, securing the top spot in 39 countries. By December 13th, it captured the No.1 position in Guatemala, followed by Botswana on December 14th. Continuing its streak, the song clinched top spots in countries like Ukraine, Portugal, UAE, and Malta, showcasing its dominance in a total of 48 countries.

On various charts, "Super Tuna" has recorded No.1 on the iTunes 'Worldwide Chart', No.3 on the 'European Chart', and No.10 on the 'US Chart'.

In an interview with Weverse Magazine, Jin expressed, "While listening to this song, I hoped ARMYs would see me, laugh freely, and enjoy themselves. In the end, I feel satisfied because ARMY (fan club name) loves it. Watching them enjoy it also brought me joy."

"Super Tuna," adorned with Jin's refreshing and cute expressions and lovable choreography, has received widespread acclaim. From its inception, it was intended to be a joyous gift for global fans, and they have reciprocated with unwavering love, affirming Jin's undying popularity.