Attorney and broadcaster Seo Dong-joo will oversee the Korean funeral of her late father, Seo Se-won.

Seo Se-won passed away suddenly from cardiac arrest while receiving an IV at a Korean hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on April 20. He was 67 years old.

His Korean funeral began on the 30th at the Comedian Association hall, with Seo Dong-ju listed as the chief mourner.

Seo Dong-joo previously rushed to Cambodia upon hearing the news. After facing her father only after his passing, she discussed the Korean funeral with her family.

Seo Dong-joo reportedly visited Cambodia once more after that. On the 28th, she said, "Although we are heartbroken, we decided to cremate my father in Cambodia this afternoon after consulting with my family." She added, "Thank you again to everyone who has expressed their warm condolences and concern. I will strive to live a more meaningful life from now on."

The family initially planned to hold the funeral in Korea but decided to proceed with cremation in Cambodia due to poor local conditions.

In light of this, Seo Dong-joo's past remarks about her father have resurfaced.

In 2020, when asked about Seo Se-won on SBS Plus's 'Do You Eat Out?', Seo Dong-joo replied, "If I had an attic of memories, I would put him there and not take him out. If I were to open that door, I would be overwhelmed by negative emotions. I just wish he lived happily."

In July of the same year, she released 'San Francisco Stranger.' In the essay, she revealed that she became estranged from her father after experiencing her parents' assault and a lawsuit.

Seo Dong-joo said, "He was abusive since my childhood, attempted fraud loans under my name, assaulted my mother, and then tried to make it look like a mutual fault by inflicting self-harm. He even threatened to kill me." She also suffered from trauma and insomnia.

Seo Dong-joo later clarified in an interview with Woman Sense magazine, "The essay was not intended to dig into my family history, but to focus on my emotions at that time."

She also said, "I used to harbor a lot of resentment towards my father. But over time, even the deepest wounds began to heal. I hope he lives well. He has a new family now, and I hope he becomes a good and faithful father to them."

Despite their severed relationship, Seo Dong-joo wished her father happiness and is now overseeing his funeral as the chief mourner. Supportive comments continue to pour in on her social media.

Meanwhile, Seo Se-won debuted in 1979 with the TBC 'Gag Contest' and had two children, daughter Seo Dong-joo and son Seo Dong-cheon (Miro), with his wife Seo Jeong-hee. He was embroiled in controversies such as embezzlement, overseas gambling, and assaulting Seo Jeong-hee. In 2015, he divorced Seo Jeong-hee by mutual agreement. He remarried a non-celebrity woman in 2016 and had a daughter.

In 2019, he emigrated to Cambodia, where he was known to be involved in media and large-scale real estate construction projects.

Seo Dong-joo graduated from the University of San Francisco Law School, passed the U.S. Bar Exam, and worked as a lawyer at a prestigious American law firm. Seo Dong-joo, who followed an elite career path, is also active as an entertainer in South Korea.