The sudden death of 30-year-old comedian Lee Ji-Soo, who had recently been hospitalized due to a high fever, has been confirmed. The family has requested an autopsy to ascertain the exact cause of death.

According to her family on July 12th, the late Lee Ji-Soo was found deceased in her apartment in Mangwon-dong, Seoul, on the 9th. Her mother, Mrs. Park, last saw her daughter on the 4th, and after a lack of communication, the worried family, together with the police, discovered Lee in her home.

In a phone conversation with YTN, Lee's elder sister stated, "We know she had contact with acquaintances until the afternoon of the 5th and her phone was off from the 6th. So, we suspect she died in her sleep overnight from the 5th to the 6th. The medical examiner says there are no signs of unnatural death. We think there might be an internal cause, so we requested an autopsy. We'll know the exact cause when the results come out."

"She was excited about joining a new comedy program on KBS. 'I need to work on skits with the seniors, practice starts in September, and there's also an orientation.' But this happened and she couldn't go," she sobbed.

Lee's mother reported that her daughter had recently sought medical attention due to a high fever. "On June 27th, due to her high fever over 40 degrees Celsius, I took her from Yangpyeong where I live to a Seoul emergency room. She was hospitalized for a week and discharged on July 4th. The hospital diagnosed her with a urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis. They said the fever was due to inflammation," said Mrs. Park.

"Even though she was ill for a few days, she was in a great mood on the day of discharge. Despite being unwell, she insisted she had work to do and declined to rest at my Yangpyeong home. The day after discharge, we spoke on the phone and she seemed to be sleeping well," she said. "But after that evening, I couldn't reach her. I thought she turned off her phone because she was annoyed with my nagging. After not being able to reach her for a few days, I asked her landlord to check her apartment, but there was no response despite continuous knocking. That's when I called 119, and the police found her," she described the situation.

"It's hard to believe (she's gone). As the youngest of three daughters, she was very playful and was great with words. As parents, we tried our best but it wasn't enough, and I regret nagging her so much," Mrs. Park expressed her grief. "I'm grateful that the comedians, producers, and writers who came to the funeral said that there was no one like Ji-Soo and they all cried with us. Her life was short, but it gives me comfort to think that she did not live wrongly," she cried.

The late Lee Ji-Soo was a rookie comedian from the Yoon Hyung-Bin Theatre. She debuted in the tvN 'Comedy Big League' in 2021 and worked on various segments. Recently, she had been preparing to join the crew of a new comedy program on KBS and was actively participating in idea meetings and rehearsals with her colleagues.

The wake is being held in the 2nd room of Shin Hwa Funeral Hall in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul, and the funeral procession will be at 7 a.m. on the 13th. The burial site is the Seoul Municipal Seunghwa Cemetery.