The much-anticipated Season 2 of Netflix's original series 'Squid Game' (hereafter 'Squid Game 2', written and directed by Hwang Dong-hyuk) is already stirring up controversy, not only for casting T.O.P (real name Choi Seung-hyun) who has a drug offense history, but now due to allegations of staff misconduct on the set.

Recently, a post titled, "Saw a 'Squid Game 2' staff member acting as if they were royalty at yesterday's (10th) filming," garnered attention on an online community.

The author of the post explained an unpleasant encounter on the set, "What's ridiculous is, I was about to use an escalator when a staff member, who seemed to be over 180cm tall and quite burly, blocked people trying to use the escalator and told them to go somewhere else in an arrogant and offensive tone."

The user further added, "He should have politely asked the passengers at Incheon Airport to go around, apologizing for any inconvenience caused by the filming. Instead, he ordered people around in a grating tone without uttering a single apology. Is he under the impression that filming grants him a special status? It's ridiculous."

In response to this, Netflix expressed their stance to Sports Chosun on the 11th, "We learned of a situation in which a citizen experienced discomfort at Incheon Airport on the 10th during the filming of 'Squid Game 2'. We made our best efforts to give detailed instructions about the situation on the site, but we apologize for any inconvenience caused. We sincerely thank the citizens who allowed us to film and will be more careful during the filming process in the future."