Former Super Junior member, Kangin, recently took to a vlog to share his perspective on the controversial circumstances surrounding his departure from the popular boy band and SM Entertainment in 2019.

In a candid interview with the YouTube channel "Someone Else's Life," Kangin unpacked the series of events leading up to his exit, addressing persistent rumors and conjecture.

The Ultimate Push: Kangin Explains His Departure from Super Junior Throughout the discussion, Kangin delved into the rationale behind his decision to exit Super Junior and the hurdles he encountered within the ensemble and the agency.

"I walked away from Super Junior a few years back. It wasn't about guilt; I simply felt I lacked autonomy in that situation. The sense of remorse was overwhelming, and I struggled to face myself," he recounted.

He also illuminated a misunderstood group chat incident, which further complicated his predicament.

"I found my name roped into a group chat controversy while I was on location in Japan for a drama shoot. There was a distinct chatroom comprising all the members from a show I had previously filmed in Germany, one of whom was embroiled in the controversy.

Contrary to how it was portrayed, there wasn't any controversial content in that chat. However, news articles suggested my participation in that group chat incident. It wasn't a case of twisted information; it was an outright fallacy. That phase was very challenging for me."

Despite his clarifications, the truth was ignored, and his reputation suffered due to baseless rumors. In a bid to safeguard Super Junior, Kangin made the difficult choice to part ways.

Injustice at SM Entertainment? Kangin's Side of the Story In the YouTube session, Kangin also broached the subject of his finances and contractual obligations with SM Entertainment.

Reflecting on his seven-year sabbatical since 2016, he revealed how SM continued to offer him a new contract amidst various episodes.

"There was no income during that period. One might mistakenly assume that I've amassed a fortune. But truthfully, there wasn't much to spend on. I lead a modest life, far from opulence or excess. Contrary to popular belief, celebrities too have financial concerns. I didn't have any significant expenditure."

He recounted his exchange with the agency regarding his contract.

"On being asked, 'When will your contract conclude?' I queried, 'What follows?' They suggested, 'You should renew the contract.' Taken aback, I asked, 'Really?' They confirmed, 'Yes, let's proceed,' and I consented. I was profoundly appreciative of this opportunity. This addresses the frequently asked question, 'Are you still associated with SM?'"

In another instance underscoring their positive rapport, SM Entertainment extended birthday greetings to Kangin in January.

As Kangin continues his journey, these revelations offer a glimpse into the tribulations endured by the star, providing fans and spectators with a richer understanding of his experiences.