Shin Se Kyung has donated all of her YouTube profits to girls from low-income families, her managing label confirms.

On December 22, Tuesday, Shin Se Kyung is ending the year with her kind-hearted financial donation to help girls from low-income families provide necessary needs. Namoo Actors, which houses Shin Se Kyung as its actress, officially confirmed her YouTube profit donation.

Shin Se Kyung's financial donation will directly be forwarded to Good Neighbors, an international humanitarian development NGO in South Korea. The NGO will be the one to allocate the donation in providing feminine products, mentoring services, economic aid, and more beneficial projects for girls from low-income households.

Moreover, Shin Se Kyung shared her official statement following her meaningful donation, "This year was tough in many ways, but all the love and support I received has made it yet another year to be thankful for. I hope this donation can be a practical stepping stone for the kids it reaches."

Meanwhile, this year is not different for Shin Se Kyung after she donated for girls in need. The actress has previously donated all of her YouTube profits to the same organization to repay her fans' love and support for her YouTube channel career. The actress also offers her voice service to provide narration for charity campaigns.

Shin Se Kyung has a kind record of donating her public incomes to organizations not just to share her blessings but to fully be part of a society that helps one another during these times of crisis.

Fans are proud of her achievements and meaningful donations as she supports girls who are sure to grow like a fine woman Shin Se Kyung is.

Check out Shin Se Kyung's latest YouTube upload below:

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