Police are looking into rumors that A's chaebol family is influencing investigations.

An official from Seocho Police Station revealed, "we're looking into rumors circulating in online communities, SNS, and YouTube that the family and relatives of Son Jung-min's friend A, who was with him on the day of his death, are influential figures in Seocho and Gangnam, university hospital professors etc. who are influencing investigations into Jung-min's tragic death."

Police stated, "The rumors are not true. We have not received any complaints or accusations but we're reviewing the law on postings or videos containing allegations that have been proven to be fake."

A's lawyer denied rumors stating, "there's no so-called "influential" person in the investigative agency, legal profession, media, politics, or financial circle among A's family or relatives. A's father's job is of a prominent figure but his mother is far from that. She's a full time housewife since marriage."

  1. [+7,609, -416] Do you feel proud now that you've got Seocho's police grabbed by their chests??
  2. [+4,050, -89] And what will investigating YouTube rumors do? If you have time and confidence to investigate YouTubers, spend that time investigating Jung-min's death properly instead.
  3. [+3,021, -128] We need to be looking into punishments for police that have joined hands with the killer and are colluding to throw out all the evidence..
  4. [+2,169, -81] Ah ~ another case that shows the incompetence of the Korean police ㅋㅋㅌ
  5. [+1,896, -44] If only police put in efforts into even a quick but accurate investigation, we wouldn't be here right now..
  6. [+1,217, -22] The day Jung-min died, he recorded a video with two other students with him? Have you even confirmed their identities yet..?? Have you looked into the junior high schooler with clothes similar to A...? And what about the CCTV of someone hitting Jung-min on the back of the head with something hard and a large amount of blood came out..? Did you do a DNA test on that? But you're going to investigate and research a group of IP commenters...isn't it illegal to be this incompetent?
  7. [+1,018, -11] So once again investigating things you shouldn't be investigating while the perpetrator gets away...this is seriously so disgusting to see
  8. [+325 -4] Isn't it more imperative to find out what happened with A's shoes..?

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